Everything You Need to Know About Disney Cruise Ships
Table Of Content All the characters come out to say goodbye on the last night Weather App Knowing What’s Going On & Planning Your Day Things You Don’t Need to (or Should Not) Pack You can enjoy the spa without a treatment There are plenty of towel-return stations around the island, so I also never have to carry wet, sandy towels back on the ship. I hate taking tender ships, which can feel like a bit of a time sink, so this is a big bonus to me. Despite its wide variety of destinations, Disney operates only six ships. All the characters come out to say goodbye on the last night Your showtime for the evening entertainment is opposite your dinner; if you have an early dinner, you have the late show and vice versa. On top of the cocktails and drinks you may expect, Disney ships offer some very high-end liquors on board. I shared a photo of the below beverage cart on Instagram while on a recent cruise and got dozens of messages from people shocked Disney would have Pappy's b...